The only constant thing in life is CHANGE...

Let's change...if you don't change and take charge of your life the change will take's time to stand up and live up for all you desire...gone are the days of 'wishes coming true' as there are no saints alive!

Monday, February 22, 2010


The way of working which I would like to highlight may not be necessarily one which I'm already following...however, it persistently hammers me that the concept of 24*7 can truly be implemented with freedom to work from home where you can have the liberty to sit on your comfortable couch and make the toughest budget plan or a business PPT within TAT.

We talk of female liberalization but we tend to forget the god's best gift of motherhood which the working females are also bestowed upon at some point of time. Companies like, Google have grown to heights because they've not lost some of the best female workforce because of 'kids-upbringing-time'...rather, the company has given enough reasons for them to stay and work from home till required...not being limited to just 3 months maternity leave. The freedom to work from home is not leaving you free, as most of the companies think about homebased working. Infact, it is definitely a responsible and accountable job as your work is being monitored and your appraisal will depend on your performance, this leaves no room for negligence. On the contrary, it maximizes the fixed timeline of 10 to 6 job where one switches of his/her cell post 6 pm, come what may with regards to the company. Thanks to technological advancement which has made it easy to answer an important official mail at any given point of time, even while you are taking your morning tea or just monitoring your playful child.

The broader perspective of future work demands more freedom and less rules, simply to have a better balance in personal and work life. The mantra of homebased working can encourage even the less courageous to continue the good job than discontinue due to any personal commitment or home pressure. The cultural diversity in India can come to a common platform with this concept and companies will no longer have to compromise on some good talent for the lack of physical presence in the workplace. Even more, the company might save on infrastructure & energy as well.
Makes sense???

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